- Oct 25, 2017
- 6,050
- In between apocalyptic dystopian hellscapes.
- Aug 16, 2020
- #1
Yes, you read that right: I think disaster report 4 is one of the best games of 2020, least for all should be a piece of shit and the worst game ever...but not to me. The first couple of days/hours are kinda of boring, but boy! When this game goes full tilt & embraces the complete insanity? It's one of the most beautiful disasters ever! And I was completely hook...and I can't but think that I'm so into the goofiness of it all because I'm fresh off of the last of us part 2 & ghost of Tsushima, which are games that took themselves very seriously... but either way? I can't stop thinking about this game and am ready for another round fresh off of pull an all nighter to beat my first play through! Not the game isn't perfect...there are a lot of plot threads that don't really go anywhere or feel kind of random...but I think that's part of the charm & I feel like a lot of the threads do have some point to them in retrospect. I wish I could elaborate fully, but I won't.
Why? Because I think this is a game that needs to be experienced blind up to the very end... I won't spoil it, but one of the endings involve the original character design of king Regis from ff15 being a badass...I shit you not, that is part of one the endings for this game. It's just as amazing in action as I'm making it sound too! I also have to give a shout-out to the morality system in this game! I love that it's strictly related to role play as that's something I get a kick out of! I also like that it doesn't effect the endings or anything major. So yeah! This game is great and if your looking for weird-quirky Japanese shit...this is perfect for that & I'm gonna ask, because I have not played either yet... but is yakuza & Shenmue Like this? Because if so? I definitely have to check them out!
- Oct 27, 2017
- 4,392
- Jordan
- Aug 16, 2020
- #2
Carbine789 said:
but is yakuza & Shenmue Like this? Because if so? I definitely have to check them out!
Yakuza will definitely give you a similar vibe, but with higher production values, better gameplay, and no technical issues.
IGN - Video Producer and Editor
- Aug 1, 2019
- 562
- Aug 16, 2020
- #3
Still not as good as Raw Danger though, that's still king.
Kupo Kupopo
- Jul 6, 2019
- 2,959
- Aug 16, 2020
- #4
if you like 'quirky', you need to check out the yakuza series. touching, emotional moments can be immediately followed by laugh-out-loud, hilarious moments, & vice versa. with its incredible consistency of quality over the years, the series is, imo, one of gaming's genuine treasures...
only waiting on a disaster report sale, at this point. otherwise, i'm sold...
- Oct 25, 2017
- 6,050
- In between apocalyptic dystopian hellscapes.
- Aug 16, 2020
- #5
@TheFriendlyBro said:
Never played it, those where the days I was only really into the sims🤣
- Oct 25, 2017
- 9,087
- Canada
- Aug 16, 2020
- #6
Yeah it's one of the best game releases from this year for my tastes. Very glad it came out over here.
You should most certainly try Yakuza if you enjoyed the quirky aspects of DR. Shenmue is golden as well, 1 & 2 are all timers.
- Oct 31, 2017
- 3,056
- Aug 16, 2020
- #7
Gameplay-wise, Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii) probably differs a lot from Disaster Report, but since it's also about rescuing people during natural disasters (what kind of natural disasters? ALL OF THEM!) you might want to check that one out.
It's ridiculously over the top. I love it.
From the mirror universe
- Oct 25, 2017
- 9,457
- Aug 16, 2020
- #8
If you like the idea of a Disaster Report game with Ultraman, Godzilla, and an Evangelion in it, OP, you should check out City Shrouded in Shadow, which is literally just that (it's a spin-off from the same devs).
Didn't come out in the West for licensing reasons, so you'd need to import, but it's pretty playable with limited language knowledge.
Kyoei Toshi - Wikipedia
- Oct 25, 2017
- 1,677
- Aug 16, 2020
- #9
Disaster Report 4 is great, Raw Danger is even better. Pretty sure you'd enjoy the Yakuza games OP, they offer the same charming mix of serious storytelling and stupid fun.
Also gonna second the recommendation of City Shrouded in Shadow, I just played through it this weekend and had a lot of fun with it. It's janky but entertaining and it shares a lot of DNA with Disaster Report 4.
If the language barrier is a problem, you could check out a Let's Play. The game has a crazy twist during the credits and the text goes by pretty quickly so I wanted to double-check that I didn't miss anything and found this English Let's Play. Looks like a fun watch:
- Oct 25, 2017
- 6,050
- In between apocalyptic dystopian hellscapes.
- Aug 16, 2020
- #10
Neck deep in the epilogue & just as I was getting board, it pulls a rabbit out of it hat with riddle that Kojima would be very proud of, and yes: i'm speaking of breaking the 4th wall aspect on that as well. i guess someone on the team work with him or it's a really cool Easter egg.
King Dodongo
- Oct 27, 2017
- 7,657
- Aug 16, 2020
- #11
retroman said:
Gameplay-wise, Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii) probably differs a lot from Disaster Report, but since it's also about rescuing people during natural disasters (what kind of natural disasters? ALL OF THEM!) you might want to check that one out.
It's ridiculously over the top. I love it.
To this day I still wonder why this wasn't available in the Americas.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 1,468
- Aug 16, 2020
- #12
King Dodongo said:
To this day I still wonder why this wasn't available in the Americas.
Even though it was set here and announced at E3 lol
- Aug 11, 2018
- 3,093
- Aug 16, 2020
- #13
Wait I just thought it was like deal with a natural disaster? is it not just that?
Chance Hale
- Oct 26, 2017
- 12,664
- Colorado
- Aug 16, 2020
- #14
Disaster Report 4 goes off the rails in hysterical fashion towards the end, what a twist.
Tone of the entire game is baffling tho super disappointing the choices are utterly meaningless unlike previous games in the series.
- Oct 27, 2017
- 1,918
- Aug 16, 2020
- #15
waiting for a huge discount before buying it. This game should have never been $60 to begin with.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 6,050
- In between apocalyptic dystopian hellscapes.
- Aug 16, 2020
- #16
aiswyda said:
Wait I just thought it was like deal with a natural disaster? is it not just that?
Nope. It's so much more...the earthquake just becomes background in the end and it is glorious.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 6,050
- In between apocalyptic dystopian hellscapes.
- Aug 16, 2020
- #17
The ending to the epilogue was just amazing...just perfection.
- Oct 27, 2017
- 13,122
- Aug 24, 2020
- #18
Just finished it, having only played S.O.S. in the series (DR1) this game is weirdly simplistic compared to even that (hardly any survival mechanics, mostly story), but the game is great overall. I definitely got heavy Yakuza vibes throughout with its ridiculous soap-opera scenarios (poor Danny, I won't spoil it but jesus you can be a dick in this game, I love it!), but clearly this is a low-budget version of that, but still it's a very charming title that anyone into these types of games should play.
I'm definitely getting Raw Danger next, the price always put me off, but if everyone is saying that's even better, it'll be worth the money for sure. I also still have an unplayed Disaster: Day of Crisis, so I might do that as well.
If you're the type that can look past clear budgetary limitations and a healthy amount of jank and bad frame rates (and you should) you'll find an utterly charming, funny and ridiculous game in DR4.
krg said:
waiting for a huge discount before buying it. This game should have never been $60 to begin with.
Totally worth it though, I legitimately had more fun with this than most full priced games this year. It all depends on what you're looking for in games I suppose, I don't need top-tier animations and such.
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